We recently sat down with our team of experts for a little Q&A. This week we are focusing on the newest member of the CFG Team, Sarah McKee.

Sarah is an award winning agent providing a customized, assertive approach to finding clients the right match in a home, an investment, a community, and a lifestyle. Prior to starting her real estate career Sarah specialized in hospitality and event planning. You can often find Sarah hosting her “& the Table” monthly dinner parties, snuggling with her Italian Greyhound Demi and/or traveling the world with her husband, family and friends. Read on to learn a little more about the fabulous Sarah McKee!

Where are people most likely to find you outside of the CFG office?

I take OrangeTheory classes every weekday morning. The way they "gamify" their workouts with a point system definitely taps into my competitive side!


Current TV binge or past binge you wish you could rewatch as new?

Hacks! Such a smart and hilarious comedy. I can't wait for the next season. 

Favorite go-to movie snack?

Sour Patch Kids


What has been your greatest adventure? Any future adventures that you are looking forward to?

I recently went skydiving for the first time and I HIGHLY recommend everyone try it once!

What's the one food you always have to order at a restaurant?

If a whole grilled fish is on the menu, I'm ordering it. 

Astrology seems to be a topic of everyday conversations, is this something you gravitate towards? And what is your sign?

I'm not super into astrology but do find it interesting. I'm a Taurus and, from everything I've learned about my sign so far, I'd have a hard time arguing against the predictions!


Favorite business book?

Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss. A great read with practical application.

If you didn't live in Minneapolis, where would you live?

There is so much to love about Minneapolis but living in NYC would be amazing! 

What's your number one piece of advice for a seller or buyer?

Don't let clickbait headlines hold you back. Professional consultations are free and until you understand the data with regards to your specific market, circumstance, and goals, you won't have accurate information. 

Why real estate?

It's so fun to be a part of people's big milestones and it's rewarding to be a resource with the knowledge, connections, tips, and tricks that make clients know I'm working every angle for them to have a smooth and successful transaction. 


what is your favorite quality about yourself?

I love being a connector and being a resource for people. Whether that is leading someone to their next home, vacation destination, friend, career opportunity, or date night spot. It always feels good to make a recommendation or introduction that works out! 

what is your favorite quality about ryan?

Ryan is so sharp and has an encyclopedic memory when it comes to off market opportunities! If I ever have a tough find for a client he can rattle off potential off market properties from 18 months ago like he just spoke to the owners yesterday. 

what is your favorite quality about cindy?

I love how passionate Cindy is about our neighborhood. She's had such a great history here, sponsors of our farmer's market, and is so engaged with the community. You literally can't walk down the block without running into multiple people she knows - she's like the mayor of the Mill District!